How to lose weight in a week: physical activity, diet therapy and other techniques

The question of how to lose weight in a week is very relevant. There are 2 ways to lose weight: physical activity and diet therapy. In addition to these techniques, massage procedures, wraps, the use of medicinal herbs, baths, saunas are also used.

How to lose weight in a week

Hard diets are not recommended for weight loss, especially mono diets. They lead to vitamin deficiency and micronutrient deficiencies. Therefore, it is better to organize proper nutrition. It consists in eating a variety of foods 5-6 times a day, but one serving should not exceed 1 glass. The breaks between meals are 2-3 hours. This technique allows you to reduce body weight by 3-4 kg per week, it can be used for a long time, as well as throughout life.

waist reduction in a week

If you do not know how to lose weight in a week, use the principles of good nutrition.

The principles of good nutrition or PP:

  • Remove fried, fatty foods, sugar. The amount of salt is reduced to 5 g per day. They do not eat flour and confectionery products, white bread, coffee, strong tea, mayonnaise sauces, ketchup, canned and salted foods, crackers and chips.
  • Dishes are steamed, boiled, baked. During baking, do not add oil, or add it in a small amount.
  • Meat, fish and dairy products are selected with a low fat content.
  • Vegetable oil is added to salads.
  • The diet must contain vegetables and fruits.
  • They drink up to 2-2. 5 liters of water. Fruit drinks, tea, juices are not taken into account.
  • High-carbohydrate foods are eaten in the morning.

These principles must be followed strictly. Any deviation from the rules will give an increase in weight.

In addition to PP, there are ways to lose weight quickly. The menu is designed in such a way that on one day the losing weight would eat only meat, on the other fish, on the third vegetables, and so on. This will allow you to alternate the amount of calories entering the body, which prevents the accumulation of fat.

Food rotation rules for days of the week from Monday to Sunday:

  • Vegetable day: for the first day, they consume only vegetables, drink ginger tea or water.
  • Meat: Eat only low-fat meat such as chicken, rabbit, drink only water or herbal tea.
  • Carbohydrate: eat fruits, yoghurts, tea, coffee with sugar, drink enough water.
  • Soup: they eat only the first courses: pearl barley, vegetable soup, borscht, drink water, tea, coffee.
  • Fish: include fish dishes and vegetables in small quantities, drink only kefir.
  • Confectionery: they eat buns, pies. Their use is combined with sports or fitness: press, hoop or squats.
  • Potato: Potatoes are combined with other vegetables and spices. Diet therapy is combined with physical activity.

This is a guideline for making menus. You shouldn't sit on such a diet for a long time. It is best to stick to a healthy diet throughout your life. This will improve the functioning of the whole body and prevent the appearance of excess weight.

Varieties of diet therapy

There is a wide variety of mono diets. They can reduce body weight up to 10 kg. Diets represent the use of one type of product for a certain time, namely 1 week.

Mono-diets are not welcomed by doctors, as they create a deficiency of vitamins and minerals that are necessary to maintain vital functions. Avitaminosis and lack of minerals provoke various diseases. For example, eating a vegetable diet for more than 7 days can cause anemia.

Diet therapy with the use of buckwheat

Buckwheat diet helps to reduce excess weight by 7 kg in 7 days. Buckwheat is steamed or boiled. Sugar and salt are not added to the dish. Buckwheat dishes are combined with kefir. Drink 1 liter of fermented milk drink per day.

A mono-diet should be accompanied by an adequate drinking regimen. You need to drink at least 1. 5 liters of water, more is possible. On the 6-7th day of diet therapy, a small amount of prunes is added to the diet. Diet therapy is not suitable for women who are carrying a baby or breastfeeding.

Diet therapy on kefir

Kefir diet therapy reduces body weight by 10 kg in 7 days. You need to drink up to half a liter of kefir per day. Different foods are added to the drink, depending on the day of the week:

  1. 4 potatoes boiled in their skins without salt;
  2. 400 g of cottage cheese;
  3. 500 g of fruit;
  4. 1 chicken breast;
  5. 600 g of fruit.

On the 6th day, you need to drink only boiled or mineral water, if there are no contraindications. For 7 days, they eat 400 g of vegetables, as well as half a liter of kefir.

During kefir diet therapy, you need to drink up to 2-2. 5 liters of boiled water. After 7 days, more high-calorie foods are gradually added to the diet. You can't eat too much.

one diet cannot achieve effective weight loss in a week

Eating a healthy diet isn't the only way to lose weight.

Water diet

Diet therapy on water is based on the maximum reduction in daily calorie intake. Not everyone is allowed such food. If there are diseases of the digestive tract, you need to refrain from it. The diet lasts 7 days.

Recommendations for the days of the week:

  1. You should drink 1000 ml of milk, mineral water, herbal tea.
  2. Low fat cottage cheese 200 g, juice from unsweetened fruits and vegetables.
  3. Mineral water all day long.
  4. 4 jacket potatoes, 800 ml of juice from unsweetened fruits and vegetables.
  5. 5 apples, water.
  6. A small piece of chicken breast, not salted, 800 ml of sugar-free juice.
  7. 1000 ml of kefir, water.

From this diet, you need to gradually move away, adding more high-calorie meals to the diet. You should not abruptly introduce fatty and fried foods, as this undermines the work of the pancreas and other organs of the digestive tract.

Apple diet therapy

Apple diet therapy allows you to lose 5 kg in 7 days. The diet includes only apples and water. For a day, losing weight must eat 1000 g of apples. Fruits are eaten fresh, baked, mashed or juiced.

weight loss in a week on apple diet therapy

The apple diet menu includes not only fresh apples, but also baked ones.

Constantly eating raw apples is not recommended. This can lead to exacerbation of gastritis or ulcers, if these diseases are present in the anamnesis. Apple diet therapy is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women.

You cannot eat apples for more than 7 days. If you have health problems, you need to give up the diet, gradually expanding the diet.

Curd diet therapy

Cottage cheese diet therapy involves the use of up to 1 kg of cottage cheese with a low fat content. This amount is distributed evenly throughout the day. In addition to the curd product, nothing is added to the food. A prerequisite is an adequate drinking regime. You need to drink water in an amount of 2-3 liters.

Slimming exercises

To increase the effectiveness of weight loss, diet therapy is combined with physical activity. During intense or moderate physical activity, fat cells are destroyed faster.

The most effective exercises that reduce body weight are jumping rope for half an hour in several sets of 5-10 minutes. Running in the morning for up to half an hour is also useful. Workouts of the abdominal muscles, hips, buttocks, shoulder girdle, dancing, swimming, step aerobics, or other sports activities help well. In the morning, do exercises, including stretching, pumping muscles, breathing exercises.


Wraps are actively used in combination with the main methods of losing weight. The manipulation is carried out on an empty stomach. For wrapping, you need an active substance that will be applied to the skin of the problem area. Often, mustard, honey, essential oils, coffee, mud, and others act as an active ingredient or mask.

A mask of the active ingredient is applied to the problem area evenly. After that, the skin is covered with food grade polyethylene. Cover the top with a towel or blanket.

During therapy, the tissues under the film are heated. This leads to overheating of the body fat. Metabolism increases, fat cells are destroyed.

The wrapping with active substances is an auxiliary procedure. It acts more on the skin than on the fatty layer.

Before carrying out the procedure at home, apply a mask to a small area of the skin. The condition of the skin is monitored for 12 hours. If there are no allergic manifestations, a wrapping procedure is done.

Honey or coffee is more suitable for weight loss. Coffee accelerates metabolic reactions well, nourishes the skin, increases blood flow in tissues. Honey improves the condition of the skin, increases blood circulation, enriches the skin with vitamins.

Losing weight in a week is possible up to 10 kg. For weight loss, mono-diets, wraps, physical activity are offered. But there is one drawback of losing weight in a short time - the weight comes as quickly as it goes away, so it is best to constantly adhere to proper nutrition and exercise.