Question: "How to lose weight by 7 kg per week? "belongs to the category of rhetorical. True, most people do not need to practice at all what unknown authors of diets are promoting.
A simple search for this query yields a list of not the healthiest diets. Moreover, the opinions of the "experts" differ greatly. In some articles, these diets are mentioned as a way to quickly lose weight by 10 kg per week, in others - by 7. In reality, the result can be surprising and disappointing at the same time.
Before embarking on the study of online diets, you can do a simple calculation. To reduce weight by 1 kg, you need to create a deficit of about 7000 kcal. What could create such a deficit per day?
The correct answer is nothing. Even if you jump for 14 hours some high-intensity 1000 calorie workouts or, for example, run an ultramarathon every day of your diet, you will not be able to eat anything . . . But the authors of recipes based on kefir, cucumbers and onion soup do not think about it at all.
How to lose 7 kg per week
The most popular search engine in the world for such a request gives out a laconic - Herculean diet.
Hercules, who does not know, is a "medium cooking" oatmeal. It is oatmeal, that is, pressed or cut grains that need to be cooked for about 15 minutes. So, 3-4 packs of this stuff will be required for a week. You will cook 1 glass per day. And there is only this without salt and oil. They promise that if you don't break, lose your 7 kg.
In reality, 100 g of rolled oats can contain from 340 to 360 kcal. That is, you will eat up to 800 kcal per day. And so every day. In addition, the diet actually does not contain fats, absolutely none, and is deficient in amino acid composition. Even those pitiful 22 g of protein that you get per day will not help your muscles in any way, especially will not help - to stay in the places provided by nature.
Think women don't need muscles? Think again, if you "burn" them sharply to catch up with the established standard figure on the scales, you can get "wings" of a bat on your hands, a flabby bag of skin in place of the abdomen and a pair of the same instead of buttocks. This does not meet any beauty standards, of course.
And the authors of articles about the Herculean diet for losing weight by 7 kg in 7 days are simply deceiving you:
- the rate of weight loss is individual. The story about a 7000 kcal deficit for the sake of "removing" 1 kg of fat, rather, may refer to a person with an ideal metabolism. In addition, those who have been on diets for half their lives trying to lose weight, it usually does not apply. The body can adapt to extremely low calorie intake, and it does so quickly. So you can honestly eat one unsalted oatmeal and get nothing in return;
- almost all articles tell a story about the benefits of oatmeal, the fact that it is a source of B vitamins, which speed up metabolism and calm the nervous system . . . But no vitamins will help if the food is frankly unbalanced. And the oat or oatmeal diet is just that. Even grandmothers 80 years old are recommended to eat at least 0. 5 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight, so the diet may come in handy . . . but for an old woman weighing 44 kg.
For a young woman with at least minimal physical activity, it will result in a gradual "shutdown" of the entire protein-dependent apparatus. First, the muscles will stop recovering, then the immunity will "fall" (the immune system needs protein to work normally), then the cycle will be disrupted and the hair will "fly". And yes, all these results can be achieved, for example, in one cycle of a "healthy" diet of 1200-1400 calories, followed by oatmeal.
Losing weight by 7 kg in 7 days according to foreign sources
In the USA and Canada, to solve this "problem", they usually suggest either drinking some kind of solution with vitamins, or ordering green juices in cans from an unknown guru of a controversial type, or following the good old unbalanced and unhealthy diets.
The so-called GM diet or General Motors diet has become a meme of recent years. Yes, this is an American car company. It would seem, then, why don't manufacturers of dishwashing detergents come up with diets for us? It is believed that this miracle should save us from 7-8 kg in a week.
Moreover, the author of the article about her (he also wished to remain anonymous - apparently, he fears a lawsuit from the automaker, which has nothing to do with diets) writes that the diet is suitable for people of all ages and all occupations: school or college, office work or a factory.
Eat an unbalanced diet and you will stop worrying about weight!
The first day of the diet involves consuming 8 glasses of water and eating only fruit. Moreover, according to one version, they can be any, according to another - only organic, according to the third - extremely savory. That is, bananas, mangoes, cherries and grapes cannot be eaten under any guise.
The second day - only vegetables. We are offered to cook ourselves broccoli and cauliflower, chop bell peppers and add all this with green beans.
The third day - predictably, vegetables and fruits, we are also warned about the possibility of more frequent visits to the toilet, and that this is normal. Fiber should cleanse the body, or what?
Fourth day - 4 meals, each consisting of a glass of skim milk and one banana. Even if you don't like bananas, the postscript says, you should eat one at a time, because they contain "important nutrients that promote weight loss. "
It is strange, and why science does not consider fructose and starch as such. Or maybe it meant "water" weight, which will go away due to the large amount of potassium in bananas? Wait, but there is not so much potassium in 1 banana or 4 bananas . . . However, you should not look for something rational in such a diet.
Fifth day - eat only tomatoes. You can grind them in mashed potatoes and absorb in large quantities, you can eat "by the piece". The main thing is without salt.
Sixth day - rice. Soak a glass of white jasmine rice in water, rinse in the morning, cook without oil and salt. Those who are deep in American culture are reminded that it is better not to eat "Uncle Bence" rice for the microwave, as it does not contain anything useful.
The seventh day - rice in the morning, then - only vegetable and fruit juices.
Looking more closely, the first mention of the diet . . . on the site is from India, so even the reference that the US diet is not true.
Interestingly, approximately such a menu is offered in addition to the well-known diet on the so-called "Bonn soup" or simply soup made from onions, celery and cabbage on the water. The products are simply added to the soup. True, instead of a rice effective fasting day, a meat one is offered.
This diet won't end well either. It will stimulate the "cleansing of the body" and for a person who previously ate mainly fast food, it may work by removing a large amount of fluid due to the abolition of salt.
Almost all experts believe that diets like jiam can cause eating disorders, especially in people who limit their diets for a long time and exclude too many natural foods.
Other diets for weight loss of 7 kg per week
Raw food diet. This is not a diet at all, but reviews on the raw food diet contain information that many people, eating as they want, as many times a day as they want, some raw vegetables and fruits, dropped 7 kg per week. The reason, again, is the rapid digestion of such food, a large amount of fiber in it, and a salt-free diet.
The raw food diet is considered one of the most controversial food systems. Many experienced raw foodists argue that the human body does not need to eat as much protein as recommended by health organizations, and that it lives fairly well on the diet.
Poor in protein, but rich in carbohydrates. However, there are few scientific works on this topic. Those interested can read a doctor. D. Ornish, but his research does not have sufficient scientific purity and is simply not recognized by many organizations.
Veganism. The very statement about the loss of 7 kg in 7 days when switching to veganism is controversial. Many reviewers mention that at the very beginning you don't want kale and spinach with beans at all. And I want to eat all kinds of vegan junk. Which is enough, by the way. Lollipops, fried potatoes in vegetable oil, pasta with vegetable sauces . . . we think no more examples are needed.
Extreme workouts
Such schemes are in use - an hour of free cardio, for example, on a rowing or stationary bike, and an hour of "station training", or circuit training in an aerobic-strength format. And, if you have the strength, there is also an hour of free physical activity such as walking and playing in the fresh air.
This can be an acceptable pattern for a very well trained person. Level - a person running a half marathon without stopping. For those who only yesterday decided to lose weight for a week, this can cause serious injury and many months of "vacation" from physical activity. In general, in reality, losing 7 kg in a week cannot end well, even if it happens.