A few simple tips for those who need to lose weight by 5 kilograms

Every person who is overweight wants to lose weight as soon as possible. In this case, the search for methods that will help to realize the plan begins. Oddly enough, such a system exists. That is what will be presented below.

Basic rules for losing weight

Regardless of which weight loss method has been chosen, it is necessary to adhere to the general rules for losing weight that will help everyone start their journey to a slim figure.

weight loss 5 kg in a week

These rules include:

  • take care of sufficient fluid intake. Two liters of pure water are consumed daily, and they are divided evenly.
  • adhere to the general rules of fractional nutrition. They eat according to the regimen, for example, every 3 hours. Thanks to this trick, the appetite will be moderate, and you will not want to eat too much.
  • prepare for the diet. The body should gently transition to a new diet. For example, you can arrange a fasting fruit day.
  • You can follow a diet without physical activity. If the diet is too restrictive, then you should completely exclude physical activity.

Kefir diet

To quickly get rid of excess weight, you need to mentally tune in to dietary restrictions. The diet will help you lose 5 pounds in a week. Nutrition is aimed at comprehensively cleansing the body. At the time of the diet, they eat exclusively according to the schedule. Thanks to this, the metabolism will start. The break between meals is 3 hours. Use low-fat kefir.

herbal decoction for weight loss by 5 kg per week

green tea diet

Green tea has always been famous for its cleansing properties. The product will help get rid of excess fluid and toxins. It is known that if the body is excessively polluted, then getting rid of excess weight will definitely not work. It is worth choosing exclusively high-quality tea, tea bags will not benefit the body. All fatty foods are banned. It is worth drinking a lot of water, green tea is allowed per day, no more than 900 ml. The drink is able to wash calcium out of the body, so they drink a vitamin complex throughout the diet. It is important to consider that with low pressure, the diet is not followed.

Diet called "Beloved"

The diet has become a real favorite among overweight girls. The diet is an alternation of drinking, fruit, vegetable and protein days. During this time, you can lose up to 7 kilograms.

fruits for weight loss by 5 kg per week

Compliance sequence:

  • drinking day. Liquid is allowed in the form of water, green tea, light broths, kefir.
  • vegetable day. It is allowed to eat any vegetables except potatoes. Vegetables are eaten raw or boiled.
  • drinking day.
  • fruit day. Any fruit is allowed except bananas, grapes, pears and melons.
  • protein day. It is allowed to eat boiled poultry meat, lean fish. Also consume dairy products.
  • drinking day.
tea with mint and lemon for weight loss by 5 kg per week

On drinking days, only healthy liquids are allowed. Drinking soda or packaged juices is highly discouraged. As for kefir and other dairy products, they choose low fat content.