How to remove belly and sides at home in a short time

The sides and stomach are the favorite places on the young lady's body that she would like to correct. It doesn't matter what your height and weight are. If you are not involved in professional sports, then fat will accumulate on the sides and abdomen. Why is that? Everything is simple - this is the simplest mechanism invented by nature to protect the genitals and fetus of a woman during pregnancy from hypothermia. Perhaps this is very reasonable from the point of view of preserving the appearance, but from the point of view of aesthetics, any girl would like to have chiseled hips, sides and a perfectly flat stomach.

In this post, we will tell you about what exercises to do. To remove the belly and sides at home in the shortest possible time, you do not need complicated equipment. Prepare a rubber mat, two dumbbells weighing 8-10 kilograms, a body bar weighing 8 kilograms and a rope. You can do without a rug if you practice on a non-slip surface.

List of exercises for losing weight on the abdomen and sides at home

What is remarkable is that when you do exercises for slender legs, at the same time you will strain your abdominal muscles. It is impossible to remove fat locally (for example, exclusively from the abdomen). Your tummy will grow thinner as you lose weight in general. However, you can speed up the process of losing weight pointwise, in the right places, by doing the right exercises. Below we will say a few words about proper nutrition to remove the stomach and sides.

Warming up is one of the most important parts of a good workout. So, if you rush "into battle" with cold muscles and without preliminary preparation, the training will be sluggish, you will feel "something is wrong" and you will not be able to give your best. To prevent this from happening, take five minutes to warm up before starting your homework.

If we talk about warm-up in general, then it can be a five-minute run or brisk walking. At home, a jump rope is ideal. Despite the associations with elementary grades in school, the jump rope is the strongest weapon in the fight against fat on the thighs and belly - if, of course, you jump on it, and do not let it roll somewhere in the closet. It doesn't take much time to warm up - five to seven minutes is enough. You can understand that the body has warmed up by the accelerated heartbeat and sweat.

1. Rock climber

Stand on the mat in a pose as if you are preparing to do push-ups. The emphasis should be on the palm of your hand. Bring your left leg to your chest as if you were climbing over uneven terrain. Bring it back, then pull up the right one. "Climb", intensively changing legs for one minute. Do not forget about breathing - do not hold it, but breathe in and out rhythmically. Repeat five times for 1-1. 5 minutes.

exercise rock climber for weight loss of the sides and abdomen

2. Plie squats with a dumbbell (kettlebell)

What does squats have to do with the stomach? It's simple - when you squat, you use 75-85% of your lean body mass. The abdominal muscles (abs) are turned on in full - they tense with each squat. Therefore, any squats is the surest answer to the question: "what exercises should be done to remove fat from the legs and abdomen. "

Spread your legs wide. Hold a dumbbell or kettlebell in front of you on outstretched arms. Squat, pulling your pelvis back as if you want to sit down. In the squat, the knees should form a ninety-degree angle, and should not go beyond the line of the toes. Remember that only if the exercise is performed correctly, fat will be burned in the right places! Perform 8-12 squats in four sets.

squat with dumbbells for weight loss of the sides and abdomen

3. Squats with a bodybar

Spread your legs shoulder-width apart, back straight. Put the bodybar on your shoulders. Squat, taking your pelvis back. The technique is the same - remember to keep your back straight when squatting, and also not to "go out" with your knees beyond the line of your toes. Perform 15 squats in five sets.

squats with a bodybar for slimming sides and abdomen

4. Plank

This is a very powerful exercise, despite its seemingly static nature. While you are standing in the plank position, all muscles are in strong tension. The longer you stand, the stronger the effect will be. This exercise is effective for removing the belly and sides at home. Strike a plank pose. Lie on a mat, resting evenly on your elbows and feet. The back is one straight line, do not lift the pelvis up too much. Stand for 30-50 seconds. Repeat four to five times.

exercise bar for slimming sides and abdomen

5. Bends with a bodybar

Hold the bodybar in front of you on outstretched arms at chest level. Bend over, bending at the waist, and bending your knees slightly. Leaning over, do not twist your back - it should remain straight. Reach for the bodybar with each tilt. Do 14-16 times in 4-5 repetitions.

forward bends for slimming sides and abdomen

6. Push-ups - burpees

Do you like push-ups? It is unlikely that you will answer in the affirmative, because this is a difficult exercise, and it is not easy even for trained athletes to do it - it is not easy for the reason that all large muscle groups work during push-ups. You will not have to do bored and monotonous push-ups - to remove the belly and sides at home, you need to do something else.

The essence of the exercise is that each push-up is accompanied by pulling the knees to the chest with a jump and transition to a squat pose, after which you return to the starting position and push up again. Do burpees 12-15 times in four sets.

burpee exercise for weight loss of the sides and abdomen

7. Crunches on the press

For a long time it was believed that in order to find a slender and sexy relief tummy, you need to work hard to pump the abs. This is not entirely true. You can properly pump the abdominal muscles of the abdomen, but if they are hidden by a layer of fat, then the stomach will not become more beautiful from this. Lie on the mat, put your hands behind your head, bend your leg at the knees, your feet rest on the floor. Lift your torso, and "twisting" in your stomach, Slightly lift your torso. Do 25-35 times in four sets.

twisting on the press for slimming the abdomen and sides

Each of these exercises is effective on its own, but in combination you will get the maximum that can only be imagined in order to remove fat from the abdomen and sides. Perform exercises in a complex, one after another, with a minimum (30-45 seconds) rest between them.